I believe in creating a safe space where students feel comfortable and receptive to understanding the art of dance. I use the pragmatic theory and digital integration as a framework for sensory experience in order to facilitate individual development of dance education through providing knowledge and skills needed for artistic communication for one to create, perform, and understand movement. Thinking about the world from a sensory viewpoint, I permeate traditional structured classes with facilitated awareness and reflection. Creating a space where students are able to recognize, understand, and implement their own “values, thoughts, and aspirations about the lives we live and the world in which we live” (NDEO, 2017). My background in contemporary dance techniques, ballet techniques, somatic practices, dance and technology, performances, content creation, and my own choreographies serve as a platform to engage others in intra- and interpersonal experiential discoveries. As a dance advocate, I employ innovative technological methods to engage and foster a community experience in 21st century dance education.
Current Classes
Video by Asiyah Martin
cell sell selF: Cell phone-based choreography
In this class, we use our cell phones and publicity practices to explore self-led movement making.
Dance Conditioning
Tailored in length this class combines aerobics, Pilates, Yoga, and Dance for a low-impact practice to make sure you feel strengthened, stretched, and serene.
Distortion: Contemporary Dance
Distortion- contemporary dance is a class where one explores contemporary dance techniques through Distortion Methods of the body such as fragmenting the body, twisting body parts, and challenging one’s movement patterns. This contemporary dance class begins with a more traditional stretch and strengthening warm up before exploring the unfamiliar. This class guides students through a movement experience that challenges movers to expand their awareness and appreciation for the beauty of dance and share new possibilities of how to generate movement.
Make-Capture-Share: Content Creation and Marketing
Social media and the digital world is influences how people make, consume, experience, and discuss dance. In this experiential lecture, participants engage with tangible Digital Dance tips and resources to further implement in their life and creative endeavors.
Movement Analysis
This course explores a variety of approaches, or lenses, for observing and analyzing movement. Different observational techniques and approaches will
be introduced through class experiences so students can gain new and different perspectives of performed movement. Students will discover which observational approaches are most useful in specific learning, teaching, and rehearsal contexts. Students will get comfortable with verbalizing dance and learn to use these skills in describing their own work, and in writing about dance for different audiences/purposes including scholarly analysis, performance reviews, promotional materials, teaching/educational purposes, somatic awareness, and, digital citizenship.
SEE-HEAR-TOUCH: Amplified Improvisation
In this master-class, participants will experiment with generating unique movement vocabulary through the sensing method improvisational score. The sensing method is an improvisational score where one engages visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), and kinesthetic (touching) senses to investigate and amplify spatial potential. We define spatial potential as the interaction that occurs between the environment and the participant.

Martheya has taught at festivals, institutions, & organizations including:
Contact me for masterclasses, workshops, lectures, or additional teaching needs.
American College Dance Association Conference (ACDA) -- College Station, Texas, USA
Arts Mission Oak Cliff - Oak Cliff, Texas, USA
Big Rig Dance Co-Op -- Arlington, Texas, USA
Cistercian Preparatory School -- Irving, Texas, USA
Collin College -- Plano, Texas, USA
Dance Gathering -- Dallas, Texas, USA
Dance Planet -- Dallas, Texas, USA
Eastfield College -- Mesquite, Texas, USA
Plano East High School -- Plano, Texas, USA
Richland College -- Dallas, Texas, USA
Sam Houston State University -- Huntsville, Texas, USA
Tarrant County College -- Arlington, Texas, USA
Texas Woman's University -- Denton, Texas, USA
Universidad de las Américas -- Cholula, Puebla, Mexico
University of North Texas -- Denton, Texas, USA
World Dance Alliance Americas -- El Paso, Texas, USA